Tuesday, May 31, 2011

William is 3 and Maddie is 1!!!

Oh my babies!! I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH! I can't believe how quickly you've both grown this past year! It's been awhile since I've written on this Site but we have lots of photos and video to show you when you're older! Lots of fun and exciting times! We bought a new house with a big back yard for you to play in and Dada and I are just loving life!

Maddie, you are a total baby doll. You're 100% girl and you seem to know it! ;o) You're sweet, love to play on your own but will come over for a hug and a kiss inbetween playing. You're very very cute! Your hair is getting so long and soooo curly in the back. You're hair is borderline blond with some brown and even auburn in it. Very pretty, everyone says you and your brother look exactly alike but that William looks like Mommy and that you look like Daddy so I'm not sure how that works! :o) You like to pull the bows out of your hair and love putting shoes on your feet whether it be your shoes, your brothers or mine or Dadas! You're not crazy about sitting still in a shopping cart for more than 10 minutes :o) but you love to look around at all of the 'stuff' in the store as you sit with your little fingers in your mouth. You suck on your index and middle finger just about 3/4 of the day and it's very cute! You are very good with naptime and bedtime and seem to really like your crib and pink pillow and little purple leapfrog dog which says your name and plays music. You cuddle up to it when it's time for 'night-nights'. You will eat just about anything we put in front of you and lots of it. If your big brother William doesn't finish his peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you'll help him out (after eating your own) haha... You like to pull your bows out of your hair and love to climb up on your big brother's train table. Climbing up the stairs is one of your favorite things to do. You love to swing in your big girl swing in the tree out back. You're very independent and seem to know what you like and don't like and aren't afraid to let everyone know about it! :o) You crack up at silly faces and have a very calm disposition and always seem to be taking it all in. You're a beautiful sweetheart of a baby girl and we love you sooo so so much!!

William, oh my gosh you're such a big boy toddler now! You are very good with doing things on your own, like carrying a plate or helping clean up or using the xbox to turn on a movie OR navigate through youtube to find your favorite videos, you are and always have been a little man! You're very careful and a great listener who is very good at following instructions. We only have to mention things to you once and you will go for it. You have a very good memory as well and when Mommy says we're going to do something, then something else, you will repeat it back to me. When the first task is done, you will let me know the second one is next. You're my beautiful baby boy. You love having fun and playing and your favorite things are running around things, playing with your trains on your train table, golf balls, playing with water is a big one for you and you love to watch the water from the hose close up. Love your little swimming pool and love playing in the baby pool at Cantebury Mews pool in Aunt Megan's development where we used to live. Really into the motion of physical objects. Cars, wheels, rolling things down a slide etc. You're our little physicist :o) You also love helping Mommy line up your cars in a circle in your bedroom. You refer to things you want as 'That One' or you'll say the same if you're wondering what an object is called? You love playing outdoors and wrestling with doggie Stella (who I think thinks you're also a puppy) :o). Your favorite books are "In a People House" (Dr. Seuss book), "The very Hungry Caterpillar" and also "Goodnight Moon" and you know them all by heart. You LOVE to go shopping with Mommy especially to Target which you ask to go to about 4-5 days out of the week (for the train/cars aisle) We just love you to bits and pieces!!!

You both love going for walks around the neighborhood in your double jogging stroller. You both go quiet when we go on our walks. Taking it all in...

Maddie and William's favorite shows/movies are the same...
Finding Nemo
Toy Story (all of them)
Shaun the Sheep
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Monday, May 17, 2010

William is TWO!

William, oh where do I begin with you! So much has changed from my last post! You and your new baby sister are growing and changing so much, right before our eyes! You are so much fun and are such a funny little man! You have a silly side that's for sure! You know how to navigate YouTube on the Internet and have figured out how to click on different links/kid videos well before your 2nd birthday! Such a clever little guy. You're really good at watching us do things and imitating them. You've even started to imitate Maddie when she cries. It's so funny! You have learned tons more new words and are starting to be able to string words together. You spilled some of your sippy cup on your shirt yesterday while we were at the park and you said "All Wet". Sooo cute. You're a toddler now so you have mini-meltdowns when things don't go your way or if we say no to something but they never last long, you're pretty good at calming yourself down. You understand things very well for a toddler and love to count! Sometimes you'll walk around saying "Three, Four, Five Eight, Nine, TEN!!! haha, it's really cute! People can't believe you know these numbers already at such a young age! You hate having your hair cut but you tolerate it (which is great because you have Daddy's hair which grows like a weed!! It's beautiful and thick!) Everyone comments on how gorgeous your eyes are! Your eyelashes are ridiculous! They're so full and thick it looks like they are either fur or feathers!! :o). Your two favorite books are "Goodnight Moon" and "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" You know both of them almost by heart and help me finish some of the sentences, even if you're not looking at the book! You're a very bright child and I'm not just saying that because I'm your Mommy!! :o) You have a very strong will and know what you like and do not like! You love being outdoors and drag me me and Daddy by the hand to go out side! You like your little playground on our front porch and like going to the playground at the park. Also you like running around Chuck E. Cheese and go straight to all of the driving games with the steering wheels! You've recently figured out how open up and call people on Skype. I found this out one day while I was feeding Maddie on the couch. I heard the Skype ring and ran over to see who you were calling and what was going on! I am amazed at how well you are able to use the computer and navigate around the video links to find just the ones you're looking for! You're starting to get affectionate towards your baby sister. You love to play with her feet and knees and give her pats on the head! I can't wait till Maddie is old enough to play and hang out with you! You guys are going to be little buddies I just know it! You two make Mommy and Daddy very happy and we're very lucky you are both in our lives! We Love You!!

Oh Maddie!!!

Oh Maddie!!!
You're finally here!! Mommy and Daddy are so happy! You are a sweet beautiful little babydoll of a baby girl! We Love you sooo much! You were born on the first day of Spring 2010!! You are named after your Great Grandmother Lucy on your Daddy's side and we really loved the name Madeleine and it suits you well! We had your name chosen very early on. It was going to be William's name if he was a girl, but he turned out to be a William instead (named after your Great Grandfather on Daddy's Side!) I was in labor with you for 11 hours and you only took 12 minutes or less to arrive! You look like a little baby girl version of William but with more feminine features and a distinctively different personality all of your very own! Mommy and Daddy really did get lucky with two very easy babies, you were both very content and laid back. The only time you cry is when you're hungry or when you need to have your diaper changed. It isn't even a cry really though, it's just a huffy warning that we had better act quickly or it's going to be upgraded to a impatient huff! Legs and arms flapping around as well. You're sooo cute! You've just started smiling at the sound of our voices, very very cute! You have about a million little outfits which were given to me from friends and work colleagues (one of which has 3 baby girls, she gave me about 20 outfits for you, some of which still had tags on them). In addition to this, so many family members bought us sweet little baby girl outfits. Really girly. Afterall, you are the first baby girl in our family in nearly 25 years. Your cousin (Godmother) Serena in Italy was the last baby girl in our family until you! Since then there have been 9 baby boys (Metello (Will's Godfather), Nicholas, Jake, Alex, Justin, Isaac, Ian, Roman and William.)!! Big Brother Will was a little rough around you at first, which is normal considering he's only just turned 2!! Now that you're two months old and he's learning how to behave around you he's very sweet with you. He loves your feet and itty bitty toes! We all give you a kiss each night before you go to bed! You're a great sleeper (thank you!! :o))! and you love your new swing. Your favorite toys at the moment are the little light up fish tank on your crib and your animal safari mobile. As soon as I put you in your crib (if you're not sleeping) you look up at it and wait for it to move. It plays music and moves around when I wind it up. When it stops you get cranky until I wind it up again! You are great at tummy time and have been holding your head up strong since day one! You get a little fussy about about 3 minutes then we have to pick you up because you tell us you're done! :o) You are very expressive and crack us up with the faces you make! You're a little red head, your hair is auburn like Mommy's which is great because i'll be able to give you hair tips since I've spent almost 35 years with the same hair type! Yours will probably be wavy and wild like Mommy's so I'll help you figure out what to do with it!! :o) Here's an email Daddy just sent me about you and your brother. It's too cute not to post it! Hopefully you and your brother will read this one day! Like a little diary!

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Enever [mailto:tenever@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 11:10
To: Enever, Amy M CTR NSWCCD Philadelphia, 9621
Subject: Re:

We had a double diaper change today, and while Will and Maddie were lying next to each other, Will reached out and held hands with Maddie. It was SO sweet. Then he 'did nice' on her head and I just about melted, he's much gentler now. By the time I changed the diapers and grabbed the camera he was up and about.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mommy and Daddy's smart little cookie!!

I feel like Daddy and I were just saying how amazing it was that you're turning into such a little toddler and here you are at 22 months and we can already see you turning into a little boy! Just a few quick things I'd like to add while they're fresh in my mind! Our little 22 month old knows most of his colors and likes to call them out! Also for many months has knows practically the entire alphabet of letters and can name most of them individually. Loves to count to 10 on Mommy and Daddy's hands and sometimes your own hands. Very cute. Each night at bedtime ("night nights") around 9pm, you will give Daddy a kiss and say "night Da" and go with me to brush your teeth, you do such a great job brushing your teeth and even your tongue! :o) You just love it and it's a great little routine before bedtime. I hold you up to the bathroom mirror and we laugh and joke about how much fun it is to brush your teeth! After you brush your teeth, you'll drink some water from the little paper cups and then head off to shut off all of the lights in the bedroom. Last night however, Mommy had to turn on two of the lamps so that I could see in the laundry basket because I had to change your shirt. You weren't happy with the lights being turned on after you had turned them off and said "OH NO... OH NO" and shut both of them back off! It was really adorable!!! Other new things you do are say "All Done/All Gone" and wave your hands when you're finished with something (usually food) or when you see Mommy's cereal bowl is empty. I Love You Baby Boy!!! Only 4 more weeks and your baby sister will be here!! You're going to be such a great big brother!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Will you marry me...

Daddy Proposed to Mommy on Waterloo Bridge in London, England - UK. Daddy knelt down and proposed in the spot where they had their very first kiss about 7 months prior. It was a beautiful evening. Tom planned the evening to go in reverse of our first date. He took me to the OXO Towers restaurant for dinner and afterwards we walked across Waterloo bridge where he proposed. We then went to Henry's Bar and Grille in Covent Garden which is where we had our very first date! Such a beautiful and magical night!

Big Boy!!

Aww, our sweet little baby boy is growing up so much! We love you soooo much! You're saying lots of words, know the names of most of your body parts. You're great at brushing your teeth and do so every night just before bed! You're going to be a big brother in a few months and I just can't believe it! You love watching Mommy cook and are very inquisitive. You're very good with learning your letters and know about half of the alphabet if not more. Yesterday you went through one of Daddy's books and picked out all of the letters you knew, it was very very cute! Aunt Megan said you're a very advanced little boy!

Your current favorite shows are:
Super Why
Thomas the Tank Engine
Barney and Friends
Little People (DVD) - Eddie's big race. You love this one so much that you ran the first copy we had into the ground so we had to get a second copy! :o)

Ever since you were very young, you've loved to kick your soccer ball around, you now have about 4 or 5 soccer balls and Mommy and Daddy can't wait for the weather to get warmer so we can take you and your new baby sister outside lots and lots, to the park, out front... to kick the ball around, take walks as a family etc. We just got a great new double stroller which you love to push around the house and will fit you and Maddie just fine when we go out to the park, beach wherever. You love anything with wheels and just love your collection of cars, trucks & busses! You say vroom vroom and usually like to push one in each hand together at the same time! What a sweet boy, you give Daddy a hug and a kiss before bed and give Mommy lots of kisses when you get really sleepy and are about to fall asleep! Mommy lets you watch a little bit of Thomas the Tank Engine on the bed before you go to sleep and you still love your musical 'fishy tank' with the monkey, frog & fish which hangs on the bed. You're such a good boy and a very sweet and smart and clever little toddler. Another one of your fav's is coloring with your crayons. You'll pull out the chair and will climb up to the desk and color to coloring pages which Mommy and Daddy have taped to the desk for you. You really get into it and use all of the colors until your satisified with how the picture looks before climbing down again! Another couple of thing you really like are playing with your refrigerator magnets with the alphabet, which say the name of the letter and the sounds each one makes AND reading is another fav of yours. You'll sometimes stroll off to your room and get quiet, when Mommy and Daddy peek in to see what you're up to you're usually immersed in a book, studying all of the pictures, shapes and letters. It's very very adorable! We Love You baby bear!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

... my how time does fly!

OOoohhhh boy!! It's been awhile!!! SO much has happened and so much time has passed. I've been wanting to post a little something here and there for Will to see/read when he's older but one day passes, then the next, now it's nearly 15 months later and our big boy has grown so much!! Lots of teeth, lots of hair (even with one hair cut already). You have your Daddy's hair!! :o). You are a sweet beautiful boy and have such a wonderful disposition. SO much fun and enjoy things like climbing, swinging and spinning wheels, any chance you can get, toy cars, stroller, pushing the grocery cart around the store!! All of it! If you can spin it, you're a very happy baby boy!! You're very good at shooting hoops on your little basketball court outside on the porch and climbing on your new playground (handed down by Nonna from Isaac and Ian).

You say a few words and understand tons more. You've just started answering the question "What does the cow say Will?" Mooooooo... You do this with your mouth closed though and bottom lip out so it comes out more like bbbbbbbuuuuuuooooo.... so cute!!!

We've found out a couple weeks ago that you're going to be a big brother!! Mommy and Daddy are so excited!!! You'll soon have a little playmate! It's going to be great!! You'll be nearly two years old when your new brother or sister is born!

I Love You My Baby Bear!!

Love, Momma